SCIP Database
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ECHA SCIP Database
The SCIP Database is the ECHA database of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in articles or in complex objects (products) established under the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). Any company that is supplying an article containing an SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) on the Candidate List of Substances with a concentration above 0.1% in weight in the European market is required to submit detailed information on the articles to the ECHA SCIP database from January 5th 2021, onwards.
SCIP affects all sections throughout the supply chain. Even though the SCIP notification obligation lies with the EU importer, non-EU suppliers also have an important role as they need to provide all necessary information to EU importer. Cooperation and communication are very crucial by all parties of the supply chain whether they may be downstream or upstream suppliers. Our SCIP solution services includes creation and updating SCIP dossier which is so called as SCIP notification.

At ComplianceXL, we provide comprehensive documentation and reporting solutions that enable companies to meet SCIP database services & reporting obligations and simplify SCIP dossier management. Our integrated SCIP Compliance solutions, enable clients to easily manage key information like identification of article, safe use instruction and concentration of substance of concern. We Implement a centralized
platform to manage product information that is ready to be submitted to ECHA’s SCIP Compliance system.
We effectively address these SCIP notification challenges
- Manage product information that is ready to be submitted to ECHA’s SCIP Compliance system.
- Ensure correct identification of articles containing SVHC substances and validation, as needed.
- Make products and materials accessible throughout the entire lifecycle for all stakeholders.
- Ensure critical information is made available to waste operators and customers.

Services Portfolio
- Consulting
- Gap Analysis
- Collecting Supplier certifications and material declarations on SVHC and its percentage.
- Supplier engagement process for SCIP data
- SCIP dossier creation
- Managed Compliance
- Internal and Supplier Training