On 21 April 2021, ECHA published its third report on Integrated Regulatory Strategy. It provides latest information on Agency’s work regarding the identification and management of chemicals that are hazardous. It aims at accelerating data generation, identifying of groups of substances of concern, and regulatory action. Last year, ECHA addressed the chemical with similar structure in groups instead of each chemical individually.
This increased the total number of chemicals assessed in 2020 to 1900.As per the report, RMOA (Regulatory management option analysis) it was concluded that 290 substances were identified for further regulatory risk management. These chemicals require more data to be submitted and hazard confirmation before taking any regulatory action. These substances include potential CMRs, few potential EDs, PBTs and respiratory sensitizers. The conclusion will be shared and publicly available on ECHA’s website by end of 2021.
Under EU legislation, harmonized classification is a prerequisite for risk management actions. Over 100 chemicals identified would warrant harmonized classification, but still not picked up by the authorities. Lack of harmonized classification can cause a delay in risk management action by the authorities, The progress is made in clarifying the need for regulatory action of substances registered above 1 ton.
ECHA recommend that, while the agency continue to work on optimizing group approach for substances:
- Member states, without delay should initiate regulatory risk management for the substances that require further action.
- Member states should collaborate with each other to maximize their outcome of work.
- Industries should make use of the developed programs to help them to review and update the REACH Dossiers. Updates must be done proactively, even before authorities take regulatory actions.
ECHA aims to provide clarification by 2027 for which registered substances are a high priority for regulatory risk management or data generation, and which are currently a low priority for further regulatory action.
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